Ten (10) Recommended Pet Rabbits For Kids by Breeders

If you consider having a rabbit as a pet for kids, you may wish to consider preparing it for them for their training. They require very different levels of care and commitment. They are a lot of work and depending on the personality of your child, it may be too much to manage.

It is perfectly okay to have a rabbit as a pet for the purpose of learning about responsibility. However, rabbits are susceptible to changes and, if your child loses interest in a bunny and does not meet their needs, he or she will grow ill.

What are the Qualities of a Child-Friendly Rabbit?

It is important to consider several factors when selecting a rabbit for your child. The ideal rabbit for your child will need specific characteristics.

#1. Size and Weight: Please ensure that your child is able to carry the rabbit safely if the animal requests it be carried. Generally, rabbits aren’t babies for long.

#2. Temperament: The kind of bunny that you’re looking to take home with a child should be patient, docile, and outgoing. Some rabbit breeds are more affectionate than others.

#3. Health: It is important to buy a solid breed of a rabbit as some rabbits are prone to many health disorders. This can lead to repeated visits to the vet, as well as a worried or upset child.

#4. Maintenance. A rabbit with longer fur is likely to require grooming more frequently, perhaps twice daily. This may be a significant commitment for a child. A shorthaired breed, however, has a simpler grooming procedure.

Kid-Friendly Pet Bunnies You Can Keep

Although some rabbit breeds are more difficult to bond with and befriend than others, they are usually very friendly although their long bodies mean they are easily injured, making them inherently unsuitable as pets for children. Their life spans are shorter as well; they live about 5-6 years, though some giant breeds are exceptionally rare to live past the age of four years!

That being said, Below are ten (10) most popular rabbit breeds suitable for Children.

  • Sussex
  • Himalayan
  • Californian
  • Thrianta
  • Dutch
  • Florida White
  • Japanese Harlequin
  • Chinchilla
  • French Lop
  • Havana

1. Sussex Rabbit

Sussex rabbits, although still a relatively new breed, are quickly becoming established as a viable and well-behaved domestic pet. They are friendly, docile, and inquisitive, as well as highly intelligent. A breed susceptible to greed, this rabbit breed can become extremely fat very quickly, so it is best to monitor their weight and reduce treats if you feel your bun has become too big.

2. Himalayan

It is widely believed that the Himalayan rabbit breed is a good choice for children. They are friendly, interested in what they are taught, and easygoing. They also have a beautiful, streamlined appearance. Despite being one of the cuddliest of all rabbit breeds and among the more playful, this breed requires a lot of attention and playtime experience.

3. Californian

The Californian rabbit is a similar-looking breed to the Himalayan rabbit, except it is larger and can weigh more. Its temperament is laid back, friendly, and calm, making it a very affectionate pet for the family.

4. Thrianta Rabbits

This type of rabbit has a cute, fluffy coat, and a soft, shiny coat. They weigh about 5-6 pounds and are ideal pets for young children, as well as very successful show rabbits.

5. Dutch Rabbits

This breed is mainly white and black or white and brown in color, and they are calm and friendly, but may need a practiced hand to start with, as they are usually somewhat shy. They can weigh up to 5lbs when fully grown, which is just the right size for children.

6. Florida White Rabbits

Since early times, the Florida White rabbit has been used for meat and for laboratory test subjects, but more recently, they have become extremely popular in shows and among pets. Their size is approximately 4.5-6 pounds and they are incredibly hospitable, so again, they are a wonderful pet for children.

7. Japanese Harlequin Rabbits

This is an intelligent, gentle, calm, and fun rabbit, with a tendency to learn tricks at a pace that is often described as dog-like. Japanese harlequin rabbits are very good pets and can master tricks very quickly. Typically black on the body, with an orange band around it and an orange stripe down the middle. The breed is very loved by people but showing this breed is exceptionally difficult as its markings must be perfect.

8. Chinchilla Rabbits

Chinchilla rabbits are known for being the ultimate house rabbits but do well outside, as well. Chinchilla rabbits have a sweet nature and a calm, friendly temperament. They have incredibly soft fur which everyone enjoys stroking.

9. French Lop Rabbits

In fact, the French Lop is the largest of all the lop breeds and can weigh up to 14 lbs. These are great pets if you’d like the one which is affectionate and eager to cuddle when you come home.

10. Havana Rabbits

Typical Havana rabbits are either solid black or blue in color, with small ears and large eyes, and are very playful and social, though few will stay cuddled too long as they get bored. They weigh anywhere from 4.5-6.5 pounds, making them ideal for small children.

Advantages of Keeping rabbits as pets

  • Rabbits are not aggressive
  • Rabbits do not produce a foul smell
  • rabbits do not make noise
  • rabbits are small-sized, hence, can be handled by toddlers

Disadvantages of keeping rabbits as pets

  • if not properly managed and cared for, the rabbit can serve as a source of infectious diseases
  • rabbits can litter the house with droppings and urine
  • rabbit may be expensive to keep

Before you decide your child can have a pet rabbit, please think hard before bringing one into your home. A rabbit’s scheduling won’t match a small child’s.

You may need to replace your child as the primary caregiver if they are unable to take responsibility for the animal’s emotional wellbeing. If they are trusting to take care of the rabbit’s needs, this is great, but you must keep an eye on them so you can ensure everyone’s safety.

Additionally, your child needs to understand just how frail a rabbit is. Children need to understand that rabbits cannot be handled by their hands as they can be by dogs or cats. This often leads to accidents, traumatized rabbits, and expensive trips to the vet.

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