Five (5) Medicinal Plants Used For Water Purification

Water purification is essential for a healthy life. The necessity of clean water is one that is often taken for granted. We are fortunate to live in a time when we have access to clean water from our taps, but many people around the world do not. It is important to know how to purify water, especially when you are in an emergency situation or when you are traveling.

Many medicinal plants can be used for water purification. These plants are often found in their native environments and can be difficult to grow indoors or under artificial conditions. However, they’re worth it. Medicinal plants have many benefits beyond just purifying your drinking water; they also have a wide variety of uses in medicine and beauty products.

What Medicinal Plants Purify Water?

Plants like Tulsi, neem, amla, and wheatgrass are used for purifying water. The process involves drying and extracting leaves and fruits before using them for purification.

Some of these plants include:

#1. Tulsi also known as Basil leaves

Holy basil is a sacred plant and one of the most commonly used plants for purifying water. It is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases; however, research has found out that it has also got strong anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties which is effective against pathogens causing infections in human beings.

Tulsi is a medicinal multipurpose medicine that is used in the treatment of cough, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, and skin diseases. It is also being used as a detox. It can as well be used as a purifying agent. A handful of basil leaves can purify drinking water. Put some basil leaves in a pet container filled with contaminated water.

Keep it in the sun for about 6 hours. It was discovered that the UV radiation from the sun can kill the pathogens present in water. The bails leaves take care of the sediment impurities. They can also be used to remove fluoride deposits from water.

#2. Neem leaves

Neem is known by the name Azadirachta indica which grows vigorously in the Indian subcontinent. Neem has medicinal properties and it is used to treat many diseases. Some of the ailments that could be treated using neem are skin ulcers, fever, gum disease, stomach upset, cardiovascular disease, etc. it can also be used as an immune booster and an appetite enhancer.

Neem leaves can do the same work as basil leaves; however, there is a difference in the fact that basil leaves give a sweet fragrance to the water, but neem leaves make the water bitter.

#3. Amla- Gooseberries and Vetiver

Amla is an Indian gooseberry; its scientific name is Phyllanthus emblics. This fruit is rich in vitamin C and minerals and can be consumed in its raw state. It tastes a bit sour initially followed by a sweet after taste.

Amla is widely known for its medicinal qualities. It helps in reducing the TDS levels considerably. Also, gooseberries can enhance the taste of water.

#4. Clearing nut

Strychnos potatorum is the botanical name for clearing nut trees and its seeds are used in traditional medicine for various ailments such as diabetes, skin diseases, kidney stones, and eye diseases.

Being an effective hypoglycemic compound, further pharmacological studies are likely to take place for considering clearing nut in the treatment of diabetes. Apart from clearing nut being used as a medicine, it is also used as a water purifier. These nuts are extremely useful in removing sediments and turbidity from water.

Purification is a unique process. The insides of the storage vessel have to be rubbed with these seeds. The vessel is filled with water and left for some time. The paste from these seeds is a natural coagulant thereby ensuring that the sediments settle down at the bottom.

#5. Cilantro/Coriander

Coriander is an herb that is most often used in cooking. The leaves are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K. The coriander leaves can be used for high blood pressure, skin inflammatory conditions, mouth ulcers, and digestive problems. It also helps in heavy metal detoxification.

Coriander leaves can also be used to purify water. The leaves can be ground and used as a carbon filter by letting water pass through them. Alternatively, some leaves can be kept in water and left overnight. This is an effective herbal water filter.

There are other seeds like moringa seed, jackfruit seed, and java plum seed that play an equally effective role in purifying water. Passing water through banana peels and plant xylem can also help in removing impurities.

Aquatic plants like water lilies are very useful in temperate climates as they can remove carbon-dioxide from water. Hence the water becomes less acidic and tastes better.

Final thoughts,

Water is a key component of life. It is used for drinking, cooking, and washing. Water can also be used to cleanse the body. However, not all water is safe to drink or use in other ways. There are many poisonous substances that can contaminate water and make it dangerous to use. Medicinal plants can be used to purify water so that it will be safe to drink or use for other purposes.

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