Guide On Introducing A New Cat To The Home

The adjustment to a new home can be a tough one for a cat. In order to make your new cat feel at home, you will need to be patient and understanding during the initial adjustment period. You should keep your new kitten in a carrier while in the car, even on the way home and during subsequent visits to the veterinarian. Do not let your new cat loose in the car, or allow kids to stimulate him. Do not leave the cat unattended while you are traveling to your home.

It might be a recent separation for your kitten or cat. They may have had to endure the stress of a shelter and endure an emotional breakdown after breaking a bond with their family members or other animals. Now their circumstances have changed again.

Make sure your cat or kitten is confined to a proper household space during this year. He needs to be accustomed to you as the provider of love, shelter, and food. Keep all windows and doors closed and locks secured. A scared cat can easily escape an open window. It is extremely important that your new cat stays in your house for one month, and the kitten until he is a mature age. PAWS strongly advocates kittens being kept indoors for their entire life.

New cats and kittens often bolt under furniture during the first few days of moving, but some may spend hours or even days hiding. It’s not uncommon for these behavior problems to occur. Put the litter box, food, and water near one of the cat’s hiding places and sit and talk to the cat. If you must bring the cat out of hiding place, take him with care when taking him. 

General Tips for Bringing a New Cat Home

Create a safe starter room. A safe starter room can be any size, but must also have a secure door and ceiling. It is important that the cat’s comfort and safety are assured while being introduced to the senses and sounds of your home.

It is much easier to interact with a cat in a box than it is to interact with one under a bed. She is more comfortable with the human body if she is hiding in a box next to her.

Put a piece of your t-shirt or some sock of your apparel in the safe room to help the pet get to know you.

Put food and water down one side of the safe room, a litter box down one side and a food bowl beside it. Younger cats will not eat much and may show it through temporary diarrhea in the first 24 to 48 hours. You may want to consult your veterinarian if your cat has not eaten in the past 48 hours.

A new scratching post is a comfortable behaviour for kittens and it is important to make sure it has not been used by cats before your new kitten is exposed to other cats’ smells. Your new cat does not want to be stressed by the smells of other cats.

You can use the natural cat pheromones found in Feliway to help your new cat feel more comfortable, so if your new cat is an adult, you may use both Feliway sprays and diffusers.

Keep cat toys to entertain him in his safe room, such as mice and balls, when you cannot be there.

In the beginning, we recommend that at least for a period of time you visit your new pet frequently. Visiting can be direct contact between you and the character you love, or reading together. Feel free to read and talk while being emotionally available with the new pet. You should speak softly to the cat then give him some time alone.

After establishing a good relationship with your new cat, you should allow him to explore the house. When you start this behavior, make sure the cat is watching you at all times. Close most of the doors so the cat begins its orientation in stages. It is stressful and alarming to put a new space in front of your cat at one time. If you have adopted a shy cat, don’t let it in the basement for many weeks. Most basements have many hiding places that are not accessible to humans.

You have finally successfully integrated your new cat into the rest of the house. The integration process usually takes two to a few days, but sometimes it is best to wait a few weeks. Shy cats in particular needs a longer integration period.

You will know that your new cat is ready for the transition once it has reacted well to the food and drink and restroom routine. You will know it’s ready for that when he or she looks looking happy to see you and curious about what’s behind the door. By providing a baby gate, another important step in the process would be to secure the cat’s home. This would make it much easier to keep your cat out of danger while she runs. Place the barrier a few inches off the floor to ensure she can come and go as desired.

You should protect your home from pet damage. Ensure your home is free of any poison control traps and ensure no sharp objects are left with your pet. Hide cords, close windows, secure door screens, keep your dryer door closed and double-check your dryer before you turn it on.

Do not introduce your cat to a new area of your home if it is still skittish and hiding. It will only result in a whole lot of stress and delay its adoption. In addition, if your cat is still having behavioral difficulties you must consult with your veterinarian. Several experts for animals can analyze, assess, and suggest options based on your pet’s temperament, history, and environment.

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