One of the features that enhance good and increased yield in crop production is fertilization. Fertilizers are used to supplement the nutrients in the soil to enhance good yield. 

There are different types of fertilizers; namely: organic and inorganic fertilizer. The subject of discussion here is the organic fertilizer.

What is the organic fertilizer?

Organic fertilizer is a type of fertilizer that contains raw matters brought together to increase and enhance crop yield. There are different types of organic fertilizer; here is the list of organic fertilizers:
Animal droppings: poultry, cattle,                   rabbit etc.
Compost manure
Green manure
These manures are also called natural fertilizers; they greatly improve the nature and structure of the soil for the betterment of cultivation. Organic fertilizers have different characteristics; these characteristics are what actually justify the purpose of their use. 
The characteristics entail their nutrient composition and availability; the role they play in the soil nature development. All these are dispersed in different fertilizers. 
Here is the list of common organic fertilizers or examples of natural fertilizers  and their individual and distinct characteristics:
1. Birds droppings: 
Birds are animals that live healthy always. They naturally feed on nutritious meal always. Bird droppings are very rich in organic nutrients; it is an excellent fertilizer good at promoting fruiting and floral development.
Bird droppings are good soil conditioner and also control fungi and nematodes, especially bat droppings. It is also rich in phosphate, especially sea bird droppings, calcium and other macro nutrients. It enhances vigorous flowering and fruiting as well as rapid root growth.

2. Blood meal
Blood meal is another rich source of nutrients, especially Nitrogen. It is commonly used in poultry feed formulation, but in low concentration due to its unpalatability to poultry birds. Blood meal is a rich source of Nitrogen; it is good for leafy crops like vegetables. It improves flowering and the health of the crop.

3. Bone Meal: 
Bone meal is made from the bones of farm animals. It is a good source of calcium and phosphorus. Though, it is a slow-releasing fertilizer; that is, it mineralizes slowly into the soil, thus, promoting root growth.
4. Corn gluten: 
This is one of the byproducts of corn. It is a rich source of Nitrogen and also stimulates vegetation growth in crops. It is also used in controlling weed growth.
5. Crab flakes: 
These are the remnants of crabs. It is a good source of Nitrogen and Phosphorus; when combined with sea weed extracts, it makes a complete fertilizer. It is good for controlling nematodes. 
6. Feather meal: 
Have you heard of feather meal?
One interesting feature of agriculture is that nothing is a waste. Most times, people dispose feathers from chickens. Feathers are good source of Nitrogen. It is good for green leafy plants. It improves the soil structure. It is normally incorporated into the soil to make the nitrogen available for the plants.

7. Poultry droppings:  
Poultry birds droppings are good source of essential plant nutrients. Their droppings are very rich in essential plant nutrients . Poultry manure is the widely used organic fertilizer. It is rich in essential nutrients required for plant growth, especially broiler birds. It is best served fresh into the soil at about two weeks before planting to enhance its efficacy. 
8. Seaweed
Seaweeds are edible species of macroscopic multicellular marine algae. They are usually found in water bodies like: ocean, sea, lakes and rivers. They contain broad spectrum of plant nutrients; they are rich source of Nitrogen and Potassium. Seaweed is one of the examples of natural fertilizer. They enhance floral  development in plants and vigorous fruiting. They are good for organic farming. 
You would notice that all the aforementioned organic fertilizers are cheap and readily available for use. They greatly reduce the cost of production; they greatly improve soil structure and increase land productivity. Agriculture is a profession that utilize all variables and assets to enhance increase in production.

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